
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ladybug attraction + Pre-Birthday post

Hey everyone! I come with sad news...my digital camera of 3 years died on me today! I probably won't be posting new nail art in a while, but I do have quite a back log of older swatches/nail art I've been too lazy to post! haha

A few weeks ago, my boyfriend & I were at a birthday party at the park & a ladybug flew next to where we were sitting! Guess where it landed? Near myhand! haha Of course, my squeamish side kicked in for a little bit, but then my boyfriend brought up the idea of doing a little photo shoot with the ladybug & my mani :)

Colorama Sonic Sunset looks amazing in the sunlight *__* ( click to enlarge~)

My birthday is this weekend, September 4th! I'm turning the big 2-0, so I will be a teenager no more~It's kind of a scary thought! lol I'm so excited to celebrate it with my friends ^^ Everyone's been so busy with school and work, so this is a great opportunity to dress up, catch up, & have a great time.

My boyfriend surprised me with a huge gift wrapped box today after school. I couldn't wait 3 more days to open it up xD I looked inside and saw the most adorable, squishiest, and biggest stuffed panda bear I've ever seen! It's a Squishable Panda & I've been eyeing it for months. I named him Mr. Krinkles! hahah


  1. cute mani! that polish is gorgeousss! sucks to hear about your camera though =(

    but Happy early Birthday!!~ enjoy your day! my birthday is next Friday & im turning 20 as well..haha.

  2. Thank youu ^^ Happy birthday to you too!! Awesome, our birthdays are 6 days apart! haha Have wonderful day :)

  3. Happy birthday! hope you have a wonderful day. Also, what cute nails!!

  4. omggg CUTEST PANDA EVER!!! Happy birthday girl! I hope you had a good day :) And really pretty notd btw :)

  5. love the nails and the panda! so cute :
    happy birthday sweetie :)

  6. The nails are awesome.
    And sorry, I'm late. Happy birthday, and I wish that your happiness on that day spread out for the rest of the days until next year :b *

  7. Thank you all for the birthday greetings! You guys are too sweet <3


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